If you’ve read the Website Page, you’ll know that I rarely make websites for people.
I might rise to the challenge if your potential website is exciting and I can learn some new things along the way.
But before you ask me, have a read of this and decide whether my style is the right fit for you.
Why I Might Not Be a Good Fit For You
If I take on your website, I’ll expect lots of input from you along the way.
What do you mean, David?
I’ll Ask You Questions
Lots of questions.
Right from the start, I’ll need to know things like:
- What sort of design
- What sort of layout
- Your style
- Your voice

I’ll Ask You For Things
What sort of things, David?
I’ll Need Copy
Nope, I won’t try to guess what you want to say.
So I’ll need lots of words and descriptions from you.

I’ll Need Copyright-Free Images and Illustrations
I can, of course, supply some of these. I have licences to some great professional stock images.
But those are generic images.
So I’ll ask you for some quality high definition photographs of your own products and designs.

I’ll Modify Your Copy
Yep. I’m one of those dreaded English pedants.
One of those guys who enjoys good grammar and proper punctuation.
I won’t criticise your writing…
But I just might rearrange a few things.

Website Maintenance
WordPress websites need to be maintained.
Too many people in the world have discovered their website has been hacked simply because theme or plugin updates haven’t been applied regularly and a hacker has taken advantage of that.
I’d hate that to happen to your website too.
So I’d expect you to log into your website regularly and apply all the updates.
If you definitely don’t want that hassle, I could do it for you. But I’d need to charge an ongoing annual fee. Prices are on here.
Still Interested?
Haha! I bet you don’t want me to do your website, now.
But if you can cope with all that, and you still want me to build your website, do get in touch and we’ll have a chat.
Maybe I’ll enjoy the challenge.