Hey! The boy’s an expert!
I’ve been called a Guru…
Me! A Guru!
Anyway, that’s what someone called me on Facebook.
So it must be true, eh?
OK. Perhaps I shouldn’t get quite so excited…
But I suppose that’s what friends are for, eh? …to make you feel good about yourself!
Anyway, this lady sent me a question…
Hello cruise guru!
Have you ever cruised from Southampton down the west coast of Spain in January? Wondering about problems with rough weather.
Now if I’d been on hundreds of cruises… and dined with captains and officers… and sailed around the world… maybe I could consider myself an expert.
But no…
I’d been on only a handful of cruises. Just a few!

And yet I was called a Guru!
Because I Shared Some Information
It’s all because of the How To Cruise website.
“The what?”
Let me explain…
After we’d been on our very first cruise in 2012, we created the HowToCruise.co.uk website to help people who would be asking the same sort of questions as we’d been asking.
Questions like…
“Where should we go on a cruise?”
“When should we go?”
“Where’s the best part of the ship if you’re worried you might feel sea-sick?”
And lots of other stuff like that.
You see, if you’ve never been on a cruise, you might not know about these things.
And before our first cruise in 2012, we hadn’t a clue about them either.
So we shared our new-found knowledge – in our new How To Cruise website.
Just Be Helpful

It’s the same principle with anything in life.
If you set out to help people… to create a useful service…
Some people will decide that you’re an expert… a font of knowledge.
And they’ll go to you for help.
How to be Helpful
So have a think about this…
Why not think about what you’ve done in life.
Perhaps your career.
Or some project you’re passionate about.
Maybe you’ve restored an old VW camper-van.
Maybe you got into making your own wine.
So why not make a website about your experiences.
Perhaps a “how to” sort of website.
Or a Blog like this one.
I’ve done neither winemaking nor restoring an old vehicle.
But one day in the future, I might just search Google for some decent information on how to make my own wine.
And what if your website was at position one?
Simply because you set out to be helpful.
I’ve made a brand new website.
It’s called 1deas.
Yes, you read that right – it is a 1.
Because it’s different.
It’s a source of ideas for being different…
For standing out…
For living life well…
For being adventurous.
Even though it’s still in its early days (as I write, there’s only one post on it!), please do let me know what you think of the 1DEAS website.
And when you do, let me know what your best idea is. I’d love to include it in the collections.
Soon we’ll have a good compilation of applicable ideas.
You’ll be able to search the categories, pick up some ideas and apply them…
And you never know…
One day someone might call you a Guru too.
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