Do you have any New Year Resolutions for 2016?
Or have you decided that resolutions don’t last, so you’ve not bothered with any this year?
What about goals then?
Do you have any goals for 2016?
“OK”, I hear you ask…
“What’s the difference between a goal and a resolution?”
Glad you asked.
Here’s how I see it…
“Well, give me an example David!”
OK, how about this…
“I want to lose 10lbs between now and the end of March 2016”.
That’s a goal.
- I know exactly how much weight I want to lose.
- And I have a deadline date.
At the end of March, I can see if I’ve achieved my goal.
So what’s a resolution then?
Well, if I told you that I was going to eat less processed food in 2016 so that I could be healthier…
That would be a resolution.
I haven’t said how much processed food I’m going to cut out.
So it’s difficult to know if – and when – I’ve achieved it.
Both the goal and the resolution are good for me.
But I’m more likely to be motivated by the goal, because I can plan it out, and be encouraged when I step on the scales each day.
What about shorter term goals though?
Well, during January 2016 I aim to read 2 books.
I love reading, so it’s not a difficult task.
In fact, I read 35 books during 2015. Actually it was 35 1/2 – because I read only half of one book which I didn’t like.
Anyway… on 1st February I’ll know if I’ve achieved my goal – and I’ll be able to throw a bit of a party!
How about a one day goal then?
Just for today maybe?
Let me tell you about a short email about goal – which dropped into my in-box on 1st January.
Here’s exactly what it said…
Hey! Here’s something you might enjoy reading…
Goals for today:
–Live my life to the maximum, meaning I spend all my time learning, sharing and growing.
–Teach others what I discover.
–Avoid negative thoughts, people and actions.
–Seek to help others.
–Be a positive force.
That’s all.
Nice email, isn’t it?
But are those measurable goals?
Well, if you could look back at the end of the day to see if you’d achieved them…
Then I’d say yes they are.
Maybe, though, they’re more like resolutions.
Whatever they are… how about trying them out.
And let me know how you get on.
Oh, one more thing…
It’s been proved that when you write down a goal, you’re much more likely to be motivated to achieve that goal.

So how about you?
What goals or resolutions have you made for 2016?
And have you written them down?
If they’re not too personal, you could commit yourself to aiming for them by leaving a comment below.
Have a happy new year! May 2016 be a peaceful, happy and prosperous year – both for you, your family, and those you aim to serve.
And may you achieve your goals, fulfil your ambitions and dreams, and tick something on your bucket list.
God bless.
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