The End of a Quarter of Sweets?
Sometimes it’s good to be a bit nostalgic, isn’t it?
To look back at the good old days.
Remember when you could buy a quarter of sweets?
Yes? Haha! You’re giving away your age now!

“We Don’t Sell a Quarter of Sweets!”
I remember the day I walked into a sweet-shop and innocently asked for “a quarter of sweets”.
Could I have a quarter of sweets, please?
“You’re not allowed to say that nowadays, Luv,” said the shopkeeper.
“EU rules, you know.”

I considered myself told off.
“Oops, sorry. What can I ask for?”
The shopkeeper, sensing my embarrassment, replied, “You want 113 grams of sweets, Luv.”
Well, I ended up buying exactly 100 grams of my favourite sweets.

But as I walked down the street, the taste of those pear drops taking me back to school days, I was convinced that I’d been ripped off by what the shopkeeper had blamed on an EU regulation.
My 100g bag of sweets weighed less than 1/4lb.
But had cost me the same.
“Haha. A bit like the decimal currency conversion,” I chuckled, as my mind went back to 1971.
Anyway, walking on, as I contemplated the price of progress…
My face broke into a wide grin.
“Sorry Madam,” I apologised to the stern looking woman at the bus stop. “I wasn’t laughing at you.”

Nearly got into trouble there…
But surely there had to be a way to satisfy my nostalgia crave.
I had to find a shop that sold a quarter of sweets.

A Pleasant Modern Discovery
To the rescue came the internet.
It was a pleasant surprise to discover that it is actually still possible to buy a quarter of sweets.
In fact, even a quarter of those sweets I remember from childhood.
It’s from an online shop, ironically called A Quarter Of.
And when I began to browse their website pages, my mind was once again taken back to school days.
Not only could I buy those pear drops, but lots of other goodies such as…
- Kola Kubes
- Rhubarb and Custard
- Parma Violets
- Space Dust
- Flying Saucers
- Strawberry Flyers
- Wham Bars
- Sherbet Fountains
I was like a child in a…
Yes, in a Sweet Shop!
Nostalgia was about to become reality.
Sugar Rush or Nostalgia Fix?
In the end, though, I decided not to buy any sweets.
Well, nowadays I’m much more aware of the damage that sugar causes, especially to teeth,
But I’m happy…
Because for a good length of time, I enjoyed a healthy dose of nostalgia.
Do You Need a Nostalgia-Fix Too?
Here’s a link where you can check out A Quarter Of.
Just to let you know it’s my affiliate link – so if you buy any sweets, I’ll get a tiny bit of commission.
But I can’t be held responsible for your dentist bill – sorry!
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