Write a poem.
“What? Me?”
Yup! You.
It’s easy.

How to Write a Poem
First, pick a subject.
“How do I do that, David?”
Look in a book… or around your house… street… office… or on Google…
And find something interesting.

I picked the artist, Vincent Van Gogh – as you do.
I wanted to write a funny poem about Van Gogh.
You’ve probably heard of him…
He’s the artist who, for some strange reason, decided to cut off his own ear.
I don’t think anyone’s ever figured out why.

But anyway…
Here’s how I wrote the poem
I thought about what the end bit of each verse was going to be about.
In this case, it’s going to be the result of Van Gogh’s decision to cut off his ear.
Then I tried to make the rest of each verse work towards that.
Have a read and tell me what you think…
Communicating with Van Gogh
Why he spent many hours
Just painting flowers,
It’s something I’ll never find out.
‘Cos I couldn’t get near
To talk in his ear,
And learn what this guy was about.
There are boats on the water,
And could that be his daughter?
The pretty girl seen in the garden.
What could be quainter?
I would ask of the painter,
But all I would hear back is: “Pardon?”
With such swirling of colour,
Could the picture be fuller?
There are yellows – and purple – and grey.
So tell me, Van Gogh,
Is it really finished off?
But all he would answer is “Eh?”
A catalogue extensive,
And oh so expensive,
I do wish his paintings I’d got.
But if I was to enquire,
“How much is that, Squire?”
I know that all he would say is: “Yer what?”
Your Funny Poem?
I’d love to read your funny poem.
Go on. Write it. Have a go!
In the comments box you can show ’em.
But keep it clean – it’s a family show!
Over To You
So go on. Pop your poem into the comments box below.
And brighten up someone’s day!
Read Funny Poems
If you like to read funny poetry, there’s a book with a funny poem for every day of the year.
It’s called “Read Me and Laugh”.
According to Amazon, the book is”packed with gems new and old from poets such as Charles Causley, Roger McGough, Lewis Caroll, Paul Cookson and Wendy Cope”.
But don’t blame me for sudden outbursts of laughter in your favourite coffee shop!
Read a funny poem
every day of the year
Just found your site and you did say leave a funny poem…. here’s one of my moor recent ones.
“I Just Don’t Trust the Chef”
When the “Chef” is making soup,
it’ll probably be cold
Fluffy said “That’s hot enough” ,
there’s probably fur balls in the bowl.
If my cat starts in cooking,
brewing up a batch,
it could be made from anything,
she says it’s made from scratch.
Oh she can cook a pack of noodles,
and is quite a hot dog vendor.
Butter toast with just her tail,
but I don’t let her use the blender.
Your cat might be the best kind of cook,
with filet mignion or steak tartar,
but when my cat’s in the kitchen,
there ain’t no Michelin star.
When Fluffy’s cooking in the kitchen,
there will be a timely dinner service,
but the guys down at the firehall,
are feeling kinda nervous.
She says she needs more baking powder,
That I bought the wrong kind of rice.
The knives aren’t sharp and you know the worse part?
She says we’re running low on mice.
So here I sit at dinner time,
and she’s made a casserole
it looks like a cover from a magazine,
but smells like garbage mixed with mold.
I smile and take a large spoon full,
and secretly drop it in my lap,
because when it comes to cooking,
well…. I just can’t trust the cat.
©Ken Parsons 2020
Great job on “Communicating with Van Gogh”
Thanks, Ken. Love the poem. Talented cat. 🙂
Hello, here is a short funny poem I wrote:
Title: Butter
My heart did aflutter,
As my fork picked up the butter.
The walls did constrict,
As the doctor did predict.
The waves did not slack,
As the flow gave me a heart attack.
Copyrighted. Brittany Gonzales