If Jesus was walking the streets today, would he use Facebook?
No. I don’t think he would use it much.
I reckon he’d use Twitter, though.
But his disciples, his followers, his fans… and even his haters… would post their thoughts on Facebook.
“Oh! That’s a very definitive answer,” I hear you say. “How can you be sure?”
Hey! Don’t be daft. I can’t be sure!
But here’s why I think Jesus would be more of a Twitter man.
Here's why Jesus would use Twitter. Share on XWhy Jesus Would Use Twitter
If you look at the big leaders of our own time, many of them share their thoughts and their knowledge on Twitter.

Twitter’s a great platform for that.
I follow Donald Trump in order to see what he’s going to do next.
But he doesn’t follow me.

Because he doesn’t know me.
And I don’t mind that.
Facebook and Jesus
It’s easy for you or me to follow influential people on Twitter – even if they don’t want to follow us back.

However, on Facebook, it’s a completely different relationship.
There, we’re known as “friends”.
If someone doesn’t accept my invite, we aren’t “friends”.

Hmm… some friend that was!
Can you imagine Donald Trump accepting my Facebook invitation?
Facebook Friends With Jesus
I reckon Jesus and his mate Lazarus would definitely be Facebook friends.
And if I’d spent time chatting with Jesus, I’m sure we’d have become friends on Facebook, too.
But otherwise, the only way I’d know what Jesus was thinking would be from reading his tweets.
Or when I went to hear him speak at The Edge.
Or, of course, on the good old BBC.
Jesus on Twitter
Can you imagine some of Jesus’ tweets?
He’d be taking full advantage of Twitter and
- Inspiring and teaching us
- Telling us stories
- Telling us about the miracles
- Sharing his purpose and mission
Facebook Selfies With Jesus
In the meantime, can you imagine all the selfies with Jesus on Facebook?
How the poor guy would be able to get any work done, I’ve no idea.
Jesus’ Facebook Page
Now when it comes to Facebook Pages, I reckon Jesus mastered that.
Oh yes!
He would have got his most social-media savvy disciple to look after it.
Who’s that?
Gotta be John. He’s the one with lots of vision.
Why Would Jesus Have a Facebook Page?
Most people running a business or charity will know the value of having a Facebook page.
It’s so simple, yet effective.
- Create your page
- Post regularly to it
- Your fans will like your page
- They’ll see your posts in their timeline

Promote Your Facebook Posts
You can even pay Facebook to promote particular posts when you want to tell people about a special event.
That way, your fans are almost certain to see your post.
And it’ll also be shown to other groups of people that you can specify.

Cool, eh?
I can imagine it now…
John: I’ve just posted on our Facebook page, Jesus. Quite a few likes already.
Jesus: What have you put in it?
John: Just like you said, that we’ll be in that rough part of Samaria next Tuesday afternoon.
Thomas: That’ll never work. We’ll just get mobbed.
John: Maybe. But it’ll be worth it. Lots of our page followers have already liked the post and have said they’ll be joining us there. Even on Virgin Trains, that’s quite a long journey for some of them.
Andrew: Hey, Jesus! if people are coming from all over the country, they’ll be a bit hungry. Do you think you’ll be able to do another one of those feeding of 5000 people miracles? I enjoyed that last one.
Jesus: Haha! Depends how many turn up. The last time John posted something like that on our Facebook page, there were a good few thousand there. But John had told them all to bring a packed lunch. The power of Facebook, eh?
John: Don’t worry, I told them all to bring lunch again.
Andrew: Oh, that’s a bit disappointing.
John: Want me to edit it, Jesus?
If Facebook was around in Jesus' time, would he use it? Read this humorous account of how @Thabacus thinks Jesus would use the power of Facebook Pages. Share on XFacebook or Twitter?
Hopefully, I’ve helped demonstrate the power of Twitter and Facebook for your business or cause.
So are you a Twitter or a Facebook person?
Which do you prefer to get your message across?
Tech it Easy
In Tech it Easy, we’ll shortly be tackling Facebook Pages For Business.
When I say “tackling”, I mean making it very simple.
That’s what Tech it Easy does.

So if you want to learn how to create and use Facebook Pages for your own business, why not join us in the workshop on Wednesday evening, 7th August 2019, at Postcode Coffee House in Wigan.
Don’t worry, though if you can’t make that.
I’ll be repeating it in one of the Saturday morning workshops in early 2020.

Or we can arrange a private workshop. You can check out my speaking page for details.
What matters most of all, though, is that we grasp hold of the wonderful opportunity we have in social media platforms.
Your fans and followers are waiting to hear your story.
Be like Jesus.
Would Jesus have used Facebook and Twitter? You bet he would! Here's why. Share on X
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