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It’s nearly Christmas!
Oh, you noticed.
Sorry, I forgot Christmas starts in October in Tesco.
Have you been invited to the Nativity Play this year?
As long as the children don’t get their lines wrong, it’ll be OK…
Of course you can come into the Inn. We’ve got plenty of room!
Or even better, the story in Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk…
Wise Man 1: “I’ve brought some gold.”
Wise Man 2: “Here’s some myrrh.”
Wise Man 3: “Frank sent this.”
Have the neighbours up the street plugged their Christmas lights into the power yet and made everyone else’s lights go dim?
At church, we’re doing a practical series of talks about being the gift and seeing our environments change. What a great idea.
What’s the best gift anyone has ever been to you?
Christmas is a particularly special event for children, isn’t it! Do you remember one outstanding Christmas Day from your childhood?

My Unforgettable Christmas
My parents worked hard to pay the mortgage and the bills, and avoid going into debt. But they still made sure I had lots of important things like healthy food, warm clothing, an annual two-week camping holiday, and a home full of love. And of course, a Christmas to remember. They always saved up to make sure we had a happy Christmas – and I always got my favourite comic annuals amongst the toys.
But one year was extra special.
I’d outgrown my small bike. It was now far too small to ride safely, and it was rusting away – so I needed another.
Each week, I helped Mum and Dad along by looking in the Wigan Observer’s classified ads section for a second-hand bike – because I knew that a brand new bike would be far too expensive for them.

“Oh look, Mum. There’s a bike, and it’s not too expensive. I think that’ll be great for me.”
“Oh yes, David. I’ll have a look.”
Christmas was rapidly approaching, and I kept hoping we’d find a bike that I could have as a present.
But Mum and Dad didn’t seem to be doing anything about it.
What made matters even worse was I knew that Ian, my friend and neighbour, was definitely getting a bike for Christmas.
Suddenly, on Christmas Eve, Ian blurted out, “I’ve asked Father Christmas to bring all your presents to my house.”
I laughed. But deep down, I wondered if that could be possible. What if Father Christmas gets it wrong?

Early on Christmas morning I awoke with Ian’s statement still on my mind, and glanced over to see if Father Christmas had been.
There at the foot of the bed was a brand new shiny blue bike.
My immediate thought…?
Oh… I think Father Christmas got the address wrong after all. I’ve received Ian’s bike!
Thankfully, my parents put me straight on that, and I was able to go out cycling with Ian on that cold winter morning.
I was about 20 when that happened.
Haha! I don’t actually remember the precise age. But it was definitely in single figures. The sort of age when important childhood memories are formed.

As I think back, I understand a bit more about the sacrifice it would have been for my parents.
They’d have looked at the budget. They’d have talked through it.
And they’d have planned it carefully.
The result was a happy childhood memory which has lasted to this day.
How to Create an Unforgettable Christmas
What will your Christmas be like this year?
- An extravagant Christmas?
- A simple Christmas?
- Family together?
- Is Christmas too full of sad memories?
- A lonely Christmas?
Well, here’s an idea…

Look out for someone in your church, community group, or local pub.
Someone who’ll be spending Christmas Day alone this year.
Invite them round to join you for Christmas dinner, play a few games, watch a Christmas movie.
That will be an unforgettable experience.
It’ll make a happy Christmas for them.
It’ll be a feel-really-good Christmas for you.
And it’ll create unforgettable Christmas memories for your family…
Better than any brand new shiny blue bike could ever do.
Let’s plan to make Christmas unforgettable!
This is how you make Christmas unforgettable! #Christmas #christmaspresents Share on XYour Christmas Ideas
I bet you too have some great ideas for creating unforgettable Christmas memories.
Please go ahead and share them in the comments box below.
You never know. It could make the difference between an ordinary day and an unforgettable Christmas Day for someone.
Now listen to the story…
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