Fed up of the EU referendum?
All the doom and gloom, threats, broken promises, financial crashes, name-calling…?
Yeah! Me too!
All we’re hearing is negative stuff.
The PM resigned.
MPs are both resigning and being sacked.
The NHS isn’t going to get its promised money.
And those bland TV interviews with people whose decisions to vote were based on everything they stood against, rather than anything they stood for.
How sad.
The Fun Side Of Brexit
During the campaigning stage, I was so fed up of reading some of the negative Facebook posts…
“Vote remain!”
“No, vote leave”
“That lot don’t know what they’re talking about…”
“He’s stupid…”
…that I created some of my own Facebook posts. Just to lighten the atmosphere. To re-introduce some fun. To remind us British that we have a sense of humour, and we must never lose it.
Here they are…

So this chap knocked on our door this morning.
“Can I ask if you want to LEAVE?” he asked.
“If you like”, I replied.
So I walked away and left him standing at the front door.
He was puzzled, and I was equally puzzled.
Can’t understand some of these politicians!
Later in the day, we had another canvasser.
He told me he was going to REMAIN.
“OK,” I said. “Remain as long as you like.
But it goes dark round here about 10pm.”
When I checked later on, he’d gone.
I can never understand these politicians!

So there I was, walking down the street, minding my own business, when a nice young lady with a clipboard approached me.

“Excuse me,” she said. “Are you going to LEAVE?”
“Well, it’s a public place,” I replied.
“So I don’t see why I should leave.”
But just to oblige, I did.
She told me I was rude to walk away.
I can’t understand some people.
Did you think that was pro-Leave?
OK… here’s a pro-Remain one, just to balance it up.
I’d hardly left the pie shop when this chap shoved a leaflet into my hand.

“Well… are you going to LEAVE or REMAIN?” he asked.
I thought for a moment or two. Those pies did look delicious.
And as a Wiganer, I did have a reputation to keep.
“REMAIN!” I said.
I could see his expression changing.
But I didn’t care.
He’d persuaded me.
And I was going to remain in that pie shop for as long as it took.
Now some people think the UK will be the first of many countries deciding to leave the EU.
Maybe some will. But not every country, it seems.
I found this bit of speculation on Facebook…
On day 1 after the referendum, as we know, David Cameron, the Prime Minister, announced he would resign.
So someone took a look at the special relationship we’ve had over the years with US Presidents. And speculated on the outcome of the forthcoming UK and US leadership elections…
So I hope that’s brought at least a smile into your day, as we face yet another day of negative news.
Please share your own funnies in the comments box. But please keep them clean. As you’d expect in a post like this, anything negative will be deleted.
Have a great week.
Remember to make time to laugh!
And remember this…
But if you do want something to complain about today, try this recent post. It’s aptly called Something to Complain About.
That final picture of the unhinged BoJo and Trump was indeed prophetic Dave, I think you might have some latent psychic ability.