Who have you met recently? Anyone famous?
Well let me tell you my claim to fame…
In September 2014, Christine and I explored Dorset, a beautiful county in the south of England, full of quaint little villages, thatched roofs, and winding country lanes.
We found the perfect bed and breakfast place, a cottage right out in the countryside.
What an experience. Sat on the balcony outside our room, early morning and as the sun set in the evening, relaxing with a book, I thought I was near to heaven.
Home grown vegetables and fruit… and freshly home baked bread.
And the homemade fruit smoothie at breakfast was delicious!
Back to the story…
Stonehenge, the ancient monument, wasn’t far away.
So we paid it a visit.
The entrance fee cost us £15 each, but it was well worth it to see such an important part of history.
Walking around the stones (complete with audio guide) and wondering through the exhibition, it was fascinating to see the wonderful mix of nationalities.
So many languages were being spoken – and all seemed to have an audio guide in their own tongue.
Can you believe this though…
The following day, glancing at a newspaper stand, I caught sight of a familiar scene.
There on the front page of The Times was a photograph of Stonehenge.
And walking amongst the stones was none other than US President Barack Obama.
He’d been attending the NATO summit in Wales, and had taken a helicopter trip just to see the ancient monument.
We must have missed each other by no more than a couple of hours.
If we’d met, I could have taken a selfie picture with just him and me… (don’t laugh… the press actually did take a picture of him posing with a local family).
Seeing that photo took me back to a time when I met another celebrity…
Martin Roberts, the TV presenter from the famous British TV programme, “Homes Under The Hammer” was on the same cruise ship as we were.
It was interesting when we first saw him.
“Hey, there’s that chap from the telly”.
“Doesn’t look like him.”
“It is! I recognise him! He’s Martin Roberts off Homes Under The Hammer.”
Well eventually we realised it was indeed Martin Roberts.
And he even allowed me a photograph with him. How cool is that.
Martin wasn’t actually on the ship in an official capacity. He was simply enjoying the cruise with his family.
But he did allow the cruise entertainment director to persuade him to do a presentation in the theatre.
So you see…
Keep your eye open, because you never know who you’ll meet.
You could be posing for a photo with a president or prime minister (if you can get past their security!).
Or you could end up chatting to the star of your favourite TV programme.
Anyway, here’s a picture of my claim to fame!
Which famous person have you met? What’s your claim to fame?
I’d love to know. Do hop over to the Contact Page and send me a message.
Oh… and tell me how to get your autograph!

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