What are you complaining about today?
Unsightly litter strewn across the pavement, wildly blowing around in the breeze?

The delayed train which made you arrive late at work?
Those daily traffic jams on the M6 motorway?
You didn’t get the result you hoped for in today’s budget speech?
Let me share a little from what I read this morning…
A man on a commuter train kept gazing out the window and saying, ‘Wonderful; just wonderful!’.
What was he looking at?
Run-down apartment buildings and rubbish spilling over onto the pavement!
After hearing him say ‘Wonderful’ four or five times, the lady beside him remarked, ‘It doesn’t look too wonderful to me’.
Whereupon the man replied, ‘I’ve been blind for the past thirty years. But through the skill of a surgeon, the generosity of a donor, and a corneal transplant, I’ve been given the gift of two new eyes. And to me, everything I see is wonderful.’
~ Courtesy of UCB Word For Today.
It puts it into perspective, doesn’t it?
So what is there to complain about today?

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