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I use both Social Champ and Social Bee.
So which do I think is the better of the two?
Well, let’s compare them.
First of all, here’s why I chose them both…
Social Champ
I subscribed to Social Champ first, because I was looking for a social media management tool which could post from an RSS feed.

At the time, I was unaware of Social Champ – so I took a look at some of the other tools which offered the RSS facility. I found a few out there – but couldn’t justify the price tag.
My friend, Ian Anderson Gray of Seriously Social, who’s a specialist in social media management tools, told me about this “new kid on the block” called Social Champ.
So I hopped over to investigate.
At first, Social Champ wasn’t quite what I was looking for. So I reached out to them. And an online conversation began with Social Champ’s co-founder, Sameer Khan.
I couldn’t believe how helpful Sameer was, because, one by one, Sameer and his team added all the features which I needed. From my experience, no one had ever listened to a customer as well as he was doing. And even better, had acted on my suggestions.
I suppose it was a win-win situation – because here was a real-life customer giving feedback to the developer and saying exactly what he wanted in a social media management tool.
So, of course, after the trial period ended, I became a loyal subscriber of their Champion Plan.
And why not? Here I had the perfectly tuned social media management tool.

Social Bee
I came across Social Bee on App Sumo.
If you haven’t heard of App Sumo, it’s a platform where companies can offer special deals to promote their software. You can check them out here.
[That’s my affiliate link, by the way. If you go to App Sumo via my link, I’ll get a small commission from your first purchase – but it won’t cost you any more. And you’ll make me deeply grateful]
Anyway, at the time, App Sumo was offering a lifetime membership to Social Bee for something like $49US.
When I checked out Social Bee and compared the offer with the normal monthly subscription cost, it was an easy decision to make – so I snapped up the offer.
And I even added a top-up which increased the number of social media profiles/pages/groups I could use.
Social Bee also includes the RSS feed facility.

Why Both?
If they both have the RSS feed facility, David, why do you have both?
Good question. I knew you were going to ask it.
Here’s why:
As an affiliate marketer, I’m slowly increasing the number of profiles, pages and groups in niche areas. So I don’t want to run out of space.
It’s future proof. Well, it will be until I actually do run out…

OK. Let’s look at a few advantages of each.
I’m not going to insult your intelligence by discussing the sorts of things you can compare easily by reading the spec sheets.
Instead, these are what I like best about the platforms…
Social Champ Advantages
The Auto-Suggest Twitter Handles facility often saves me some time.
If I use the Chrome browser extension to share a page to Twitter and I want to include someone’s twitter handle, this function will insert that handle into the post.
It isn’t perfect – because I need to type in most of the twitter handle before it suggests it for inclusion into the post. But it is a nice time-saver.
It’s good to have the Facebook Support Group.
If there’s ever a problem, anyone can create a Facebook post in the support group and one of the Social Champ team usually picks it up. Plus, the community of like-minded fans can also comment on it.
Social Bee Advantages
Social Bee has an incredible set of useful Twitter Growth Tools.
What’s that, David?
It’s where you can do things like see who are your non-followers, or add people to a whitelist or a blacklist. I’ve probably not used it to its full potential – but I have used it to clean up my Twitter account a couple of times. It’s a great feeling after you’ve done that!

Auto Mentions.
I’ve set it up so that whenever someone follows me, they receive a tweet with their twitter handle in it.
Now I know how annoying these auto-tweets can be, so I’ve written a friendly tweet which acknowledges that.
Here’s an example.
Best Value
Which is the Best Value?
I suppose it depends what you need.
But if you’re looking for something which offers 25 social profiles, you’re comparing:
Social Champ Champion Plan
at $29US per month
with the
Social Bee Pro Plan
at $79US per month
That looks to be a huge price difference, but you’re comparing the next to basic Social Champ plan with the top Social Bee plan.
Get their basic plans and the prices are:
Social Champ Professional Plan
at $10US per month
Social Bee Bootstrap Plan
at $19US per month
The only fair way to compare is to open up the pages side by side and see which plans have the features you need.
If price is the main factor, you’ll probably want to go with Social Champ.
If features drive your decision, then probably Social Bee will persuade you.
I can certainly recommend both of them.
Hey! They both offer a 14-day free trial – so it’s easy to try them out and compare.
Here they are again…
Those are my affiliate links. So if you go to Social Champ or Social Bee via my links, I’ll get a small commission if you sign up – but it won’t cost you any more. And you’ll make me eternally grateful!
I’d love to know which one you choose – and why! And if you’ve any questions about my experiences with either platform, please pop them into the comments box below…
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