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If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.
How many times have you heard that?
Good advice, eh?
Err… yes and no.
Why It Doesn’t Work All The Time
We don’t need a degree in mathematics to work out that there has to be one person in the room who’s smarter than everyone else.

So if you’re ever that person – that smartest person in the room – please be generous with your knowledge.
- Help someone
- Bless someone
- Encourage someone
- Teach someone
- Share your knowledge.
‘Cos I might be in that same room – and I want to learn from you!
Don’t Be The Smartest All The Time
If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.
If you are the smartest person in the room all the time, then you are definitely in the wrong room.
Here’s a lesson I learned from my childhood…
They say that if you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room - but what about when that just doesn't work for you? Share on XMy Over-Sized School Blazer
“I can’t wear that, Mum,” I complained. “It’s far too big.”
Mum smiled. “Don’t worry, David. You’ll soon grow into it.”
She was right… eventually, I did grow into the jacket.
Funny how Mums always know best.
Over-Sized Life
Life’s like an over-sized jacket.
Hey, can I claim that quote for myself and put lots of infographics on Instagram?

“No! But come on, David… tell us why you think life is like a big jacket.”
OK. Here’s why…
Because I believe we should always be growing.
“Always growing? Why are you vertically challenged then?”
Hey! I might have stopped growing physically. But I’ve certainly not stopped growing.
Here’s how…
I’m always trying to…
- learn something
- discover new things
- challenge myself
- push out of that comfort zone
- start new adventures
And that’s why I love this quote:
If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.
It’s because there are so many people in this world that I can learn from.
How Can I Learn From Those Smart People?
Good question.
I’ll share a few ideas, then I’ll tell you about one thing I’ve done.
- Ask someone to mentor you
- Follow an expert online, on social media, read their blogs, listen to their podcasts
- Join a professional society
- Shadow a colleague at work
- Read good non-fiction books and listen to audio books

Here’s What I Did
A few years ago, I joined a community.
No, not one of those…!
I joined The Content Marketing Academy.
Because someone suggested it might be a good fit for me.
“So you joined because of that?”
Nope – but it helped.
You see… at first, I was quite reluctant.
Well… I wasn’t a business owner. I did blogging more as a hobby. My income from affiliate marketing was very little. And there was a cost to join.
And perhaps most importantly… I feared that everyone in the CMA would be smarter than me so I wouldn’t fit in.

Can you see where I’m going with this?
So I asked the founder, Chris Marr.
Isn’t it great when someone answers your questions honestly, with your benefits in mind? That’s what Chris did. That’s when it became a win-win.
I decided to give the membership a try.
I joined.
And this is my third year.
Why am I telling you this? To get you to join too?
Nope – but if you do any type of content marketing, I would encourage you to join.
But I do want you to seriously consider joining a well-run society in your niche or profession, which attracts people who are much bigger, much smarter, and much more experienced than you are.
In the Content Marketing Academy, not only have I learned loads through the members’ training, the workshops, the feedback, and the challenges to consistency and excellence… but also from direct contact with the helpful members, many of whom I now regard as friends.
When I ask a question, someone comes back to me with pearls of wisdom.
And I’ve even been able to help a few people too. Hey, doesn’t that make you feel good when you’re considered to be the smartest person in the room for just a few minutes?
Grow in Your Room
So if you’re serious about growing, I’d suggest you too join something that…
- Has helpful people who are smarter than you
- Has a good training programme
- Costs you something
So, go and find that room with the smart people in it.
Always stay in that over-sized jacket.
And always be growing.
It's never too late to learn, grow, develop, explore. Here's a great way to go about it... Share on XHow Do YOU Do It?
What have you learned from the “smart people in your room”?
Any tips for getting the most out of learning from them?
Please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions in the comments section.
And let’s keep this conversation going.
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