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I got some new goalposts for the New Year.
Err… don’t you mean some new goals, David?
Nope! New goal posts!
Here’s why…
Did you achieve all your goals last year?
- Yes? Read no further.
- No? This is for you.
Imagine Goal Posts
Let’s imagine a set of goalposts…

Go on. It’s not that difficult.
Even I – as boring as I consider football to be – can do that.
Pretty bland, aren’t they?
Now imagine those same goalposts in bright colours…

Add some stripes and swirls if you like. And maybe a colourful logo or two.
Much more attractive now, aren’t they?
Attractive BHAGs
Yes, I have some BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) this year.
But now, this time, I’ve made them much clearer, much more fun, and easier to aim at.
I should even be able to stay focused on those horrible foggy days.
And it’ll be a great pleasure approaching the goals.

So if you didn’t achieve your goals last year, is it time to change your goal posts and make them much more fun, interesting and attractive?
Yes, let’s have big goals. Huge dreams.
But make them
- colourful
- engaging
- fun
- interesting
- attractive

Make your goals colourful, engaging, fun, interesting and attractive.
The only question remaining is…
What colour are you going to paint the goal posts on the field of your huge vision?
Now listen and be inspired…
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