The Ultimate Guide to AVOIDING BOREDOM When You’re Stuck at Home
I’m not bored – because there’s so much to do.
But if this sudden change of lifestyle has clipped your wings…
And you find yourself stuck at home and bored…

I’ve written this article for you – to help you lose the boredom.
Lots of great ideas to get rid of it.
And make life exciting again.

How Not To Be Bored When You’re Self Isolating
Here are some interesting, exciting, and even altruistic things you can do.
It certainly isn’t an exhaustive list.
In fact, if you want to add to these, I invite you to pop your ideas into the comments box.
Here we go…
Volunteer for the NHS
An amazing 750,000 people have signed up to volunteer for the NHS.
That’s so many that they’ve had to temporarily suspend applications whilst they deal with the backlog.
Here’s where you can volunteer for the NHS.
You can even help from home.

Ring an Older Person
A half-hour spent on the telephone with an older person who’s confined to their home…
- Checking they’re OK
- Cheering them up
- Or just listening to them
…Can make a huge difference to their day.
And to yours.
ReEngage can pair you with an older person to chat with.

Teach Your Life Skills Online
It’s just sharing what you know.
For instance, are you good at things like:
- Woodwork?
- DIY?
- Baking?
Whilst they’re stuck at home, many, many people are going online to learn how to do things.

So why not write a blog like this one you’re reading?
You can make a basic blog or website for free.
Or make a how-to video (here’s a video I made yesterday to help people with online chat).
If you have a smartphone, it’s easy to video yourself demonstrating how to do something.
Then, create a YouTube account and put your video on it.
YouTube even tells you how to do that in a video, here.
You’ll be surprised how many people you’ll help with your video.
Oh, and did I mention it’s all free to do?

Decorate a Room
You know… that new look you’ve been wanting for some time.
Now’s the time to start.
Yeah, I know…
It’s all dependent on whether you already have the paint and materials at home.
So, maybe that’s one project for another time.
Or perhaps get an online delivery from Amazon.

If you have a garden, now’s the ideal time to make it start to look like your own Chelsea Flower Show.
Well, maybe don’t take it that far.
But gardening means being outdoors in the sunlight…
Which means vitamin D…
Which means good health.

Write and Publish a Book
Do you have a book in you, just waiting to get out?
- A Novel?
- Travel Guide?
- Poetry?
Writing a book isn’t like it used to be.
No more begging a publisher to take you on.
Nowadays you can self-publish on Kindle.
Here are 10 tips on Self-Publishing, by Nick Spalding.

Learn to Play That Musical Instrument You Stuck in the Cupboard
Yep! Time to grab that guitar.
YouTube, again, is your friend here.
Search on YouTube for “Guitar lessons” and choose from the vast array of free lessons on high definition video.

Learn a New Skill
Again, lots and lots of free information on Google, and free videos on YouTube, to teach you…
- Baking
- Bread Making
- Electronics
- Writing
- Hundreds of Topics
Grab a notebook and pen, and make lots of notes as you watch the video or read the article.
Then go and do it.
Oh, and don’t forget to send me a photo of you proudly holding your first loaf of bread.
I might not catch the wonderful aroma of it, unlike you did, but I’ll see the joy in your face.

Your Anti-Boredom Ideas
What other ideas should I have included?
What tips would you share to avoid boredom?
Please share them in the comments box below.
And let’s help each other make wonderful use of this new-found time.
James Altucher Says
Yes, the author and podcaster, James Altucher, read my article just after publication [insert a bit of hero-worship, here].
And he offered these additional ideas in a tweet:

Even More Ideas
Did you know that I have a website all about ideas?
Ideas to inspire, help, motivate…
And it’s over at (hey, did you notice how I spelt ‘ideas’ to find an available domain name?)
? David, wash & polish your car can take a couple of hours too. ?
Hey, thanks Andy. That’s a great idea!
Let me know if you ever get bored and have a spare timeslot. 😉