…for me at least.
I believe humour makes life incredible.
I believe that if things can be made simpler, they should be.
I believe we should share useful information that can benefit people.
I believe we should save for our future, and be generous, rather than squander money just because we have it.
I believe in the existence of God and the power of prayer.
I believe in staying healthy by eating real food (it doesn’t have to be expensive), avoiding junk food, exercising daily and laughing often.
Translated Into Actions…
That’s why I try to make you laugh.
That’s why I try to get to grips with something and simplify it.
That’s why I enjoy sharing useful stuff on my blog.
That’s why I saved into a pension for 40 years and was able to take early retirement at age 57.
That’s why I’ve experienced miracles.
That’s why I eat healthy stuff, exercise, walk… and keep thinking up terrible puns.
How About You?
What’s your incredible life plan?
How do you share what you’ve learned?
Are you saving for your future so you don’t have to rely on your children in your old age? And are you being generous now?
Do you expect God to bless you?
How well are you looking after your body? You know, that “vehicle” which carries you around? After all, you don’t put diesel in your petrol-engine car, do you? And you can’t trade in your body for a new one just yet.
Something else I believe…
I believe that having a thankful heart results in a happier life.
Try it.
- Ask “What one thing can I be thankful for right now?”
- Be thankful.
- Enjoy the moment.
Do You Have a Great Life Tip?
Please do share it in the box below, and let’s keep the conversation going.
Want Some Great Life Tips?
Here’s a book I got some great advice from and highly recommend…
Great blog, David!
I do believe that humour can get us through the toughest times. My Mum has had a few health battles over the years and throughout it has showed incredible strength. I remember sitting with her in hospital and both of us being in stitches as she tried on some wigs. Luckily she never had to wear them!
One piece of good advice I was given many years ago was “don’t sweat the small stuff”. That’s a golden nugget right there. If you can take your experiences and learn to be grateful for all the good things in life you find out what’s really important and what’s not worth bothering about.
Thank you, Anne.
That’s great advice. Really appreciate your sharing it.
I think that’s why I’m a firm believer in finding things to be grateful for – and, obviously, humour 🙂