You spend lots of time creating a great Facebook post.
And you even upload an interesting video.
But it gets no comments!
None! Grr!
“Why aren’t they interacting?” you ask in frustration.
Yep. Been there. Done that.
So I thought I’d share something I discovered.
Something which gets the interaction going.
You can watch it in this short video.
Or read on…
Getting Interaction on Facebook
The first and most important thing is to:
Ask a Question
People like answering questions.
I mean, who doesn’t love showing off their knowledge.
Or sharing their opinion.
And then…
Provide Some Ideas
Offer some suggestions.
Things to dream about.
In the video, I asked the question,
What do you like to do on a cruise?
And then I inserted a few scenes of the wonderful things I knew people would enjoy on a cruise.
And then… perhaps most importantly…
- I uploaded the video directly onto Facebook
- I wrote the question in the Facebook post

Facebook Interaction
So did it get any interaction?
You bet it did.
Someone answered the question. Then someone else.
And that started the ball rolling.
Because, as you probably know, the more popular a post appears to be to Facebook, the more Facebook shows it in people’s timelines.
It goes viral.

Which Question Won Facebook’s Heart?
So what made the Facebook post so popular?
Was it…
- The question in the video?
- The question on the post?
I think it was a combination of both.
It appealed to those who prefer to read, and to those who prefer to watch.
But you’ll need to do your own testing to discover what works best for your audience.
And when you do, I’d love to hear what worked for you.
Why the Video Succeeded on Facebook
It’s important to note that I uploaded the video onto Facebook.
If I’d put a link to YouTube into the Facebook post instead, Facebook might not have taken too kindly to that.
Because they don’t like people to leave the Facebook platform.
So it wouldn’t have appeared in quite as many people’s timelines.
But so that you can watch the video in this blog post, I’ve also put it onto YouTube.
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