To all our friends, near and far…
Very best wishes for a
Merry Christmas
and a happy, prosperous
and peaceful 2017
Happy Christmas!
I bet you get fed up of Christmas letters…
So we’ll not bore you with a long essay on our 2016.
Instead, here in a few words and pictures are our 2016 highlights…
In September, Joel and Danielle got married.
What a great day that was…
This year, Danny got his dream job…
Which combines trains with computer technology.
And Christine and I finally left the hamster-wheel.
We’ve taken early retirement.
Now we’re doing what we love.
Things like creating websites, blogging…
And making things with yarn (that’s Christine).
And exploring a few places we never had chance to get to.
So, whatever you’re doing this Christmas…
We wish you a happy Christmas.
And we hope your 2017 is full of fun, laughter, happiness, love, and prosperity.
Very best wishes from
The Withingtons