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A few months ago, I was chatting with a friend who’d been going through a difficult situation for an extended length of time.
Let’s call my friend “Bill” – ‘cos that’s not his real name and I want to keep it private.
As we strolled along in the warm evening sunshine, I was listening and trying to think of some encouraging things to say, when Bill said something rather unusual…
“You know, David… I really like those jokes you put on social media every day.”
“Aw, thanks Bill,” I replied.
“No, seriously. They help me,” said Bill.
I stopped in my tracks.

“What do you mean?” I asked.
I was intrigued. After all, usually the only responses I get from the jokes are groans.
“You don’t realise how important humour is to me,” said Bill. “It introduces some normality back into life. It gives me some perspective.”
I’d never seen it that way before.
So I asked Bill to explain a bit more.

Bill gave it a few moments of thought before beginning to speak…
“When life becomes tough and you’re struggling to get to grips with what’s going on, sometimes you need something to help you along.
“Something that will take your mind off the problems for at least a moment or two.
“Your jokes make me think about something else. They bring a smile to my face. Sometimes I laugh out loud.
“They introduce perspective to life.
“And I know I can expect a new joke at the same time every day. Regular as clockwork. I can rely on it.
“Your humour is a therapy for me.”
I hadn’t realised how important my simple jokes were.
My humour was Bill’s therapy.”

How It Began…
A few years ago, I subscribed to Social Champ, a social-media automation tool to use with my affiliate marketing [if you want to know what affiliate marketing is, I wrote about it here].
And after a few weeks of getting to grips with this automation tool, I thought to myself…
“Hang on a minute, David. Why not use this same facility to bring a bit of happiness into the beginning of people’s day.”
So I made a collection of jokes and lined them up to publish automatically on Facebook and Twitter every morning.

Now I can’t take credit for all the jokes.
Yes, I did write some. But many are from my hero, Tim Vine. And friends began to send jokes to add to the collection.
So now there are well over 300 jokes in the collection – heading towards 400. And they’re all short, punchy, and clean. Usually, puns are involved.
It’s always nice to get a comment or a like on Facebook and Twitter.
But I’d never expected to hear that comment from Bill as we walked along on that warm evening…
Your jokes really help me.
And it got me thinking…
Your Life-Changing Idea
Have you ever had an idea that could bring a bit of happiness or help to someone?

Why not get it started this week.
Maybe it’ll cost you a bit of time.
Or a bit of money.
But what can compare with the joy of a friend – or a stranger – saying to you: “Thank you. I needed that today. You really helped me.”?
That sort of satisfaction is priceless.
So, go on. Start it.
Make a difference for someone.
Get to work on that idea that’s been stewing at the back of your mind.
And let’s make the world a better place.
Even if it’s just for that one Bill in your life.

Bill Says…
Before publishing this story, I ran it past Bill. I wanted to make sure he was OK with it. Bill was more than happy, and he even offered his own additional thoughts…
Early on in my tough journey I still saw humour as just a momentary distraction provider, something which I’d never credited with a benefit beyond a momentary laugh.
But it’s very special, it’s powerful to have in our armoury.
Those with humour have a gift, a way of combatting deep personal pain in this life, something powerful and way beyond just providing a momentary laugh.
People with humour help fight pain.
And for that, they get my utter respect.
That’s the power of good humour.
And that’s why I love to share it.
You can laugh (or groan) at my jokes too, here…
David’s Corny Jokes on Facebook
David on Twitter
If you want to check out the social media automation tool, Social Champ, here’s my refer-a-friend link.
Last of all, here’s my 1DEAS website on which I regularly share ideas. Maybe there’ll be a good idea in there that you can use to help the Bill in your life.
But whatever you do…
Let’s go and make a difference in someone’s day.
How can a simple joke change someone's world? #humour Share on X
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