So let me share a God thought with you.
It’s said that there’s no point worrying about those things we can’t control.
The psychologists tell us that.
The religious leaders preach that.
The Stoics told us that.
SOJA sings about that…
And I completely agree that it’s a worthless exercise to worry about something that’s beyond your control.
But you can do something about it.
Uh? I’m really confused now, David.
You see…
You might not be able to control or change the situation.
But God can.
Try talking to Him.
He loves hearing from you anyway.
See what happens.
And even better…
See what happens to you.
To your perspective.
To your attitude.
To your peace.
Enjoy your Easter.
And your chat with God.
What can you do about things you can't control? Just accept them? Worry about them? Here's a better way. #worry #problems #Easter Share on X
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